There’s often people misinformed about what a financial planner actually does. Usually because it’s not just one thing, it’s an amalgamation of several steps and comprises various areas like insurance or investing in order to create a better future. Some areas are larger and better known than others, but every step and every area holds importance. After all it’s not just money that most of us desire – it is the lifestyle that money can give us. At Foundation Wealth Planners we want you to understand the steps and why they happen so you can be part of the financial journey. This is our process:
Whatever stage of life you’re at, Foundation Wealth are interesting in finding out about you, what motivates you and what your financial goals are. We want to get a full picture of where you are now financially, where you want to be financially and to identify what financial hurdles you may face.
Good financial advice looks for the full picture.
So if you’re just starting your financial journey, looking at retirement, selling a business or setting up a Self Managed Super Fund, you can be assured our advice process will be completely thorough as we look to improve your financial future.
Next: Understand the difference between FWP and other financial planners.