Tag Archives: financial education

“el hombre perezoso hace el doble de trabajo.” You might say this Spanish proverb is about the discouragement of a certain behaviour. In almost every facet of life we are encouraged to give our best and work our hardest. It’s something we see taught in school. When we go through our careers. Maintaining our homes, […]

You’re out walking with your dog near a railway track. Behind you there’s a rumbling noise. Thundering down the track is a trolley, looking up ahead you can see the trolley is headed for a bridge with five workers on it. They will either be run over or jump to certain death. Beside you is […]

Lessons From Nomadland

March 4, 2021

  In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis a shift occurred in how some older people lived their lives across the USA. For the most part it wasn’t a choice. It was forced. As home prices fell while jobs and savings evaporated, holding onto a house became a struggle. For some it became impossible. […]

Greenlights & Redlights

February 13, 2021

A great relationship, a newborn son, and a successful career as an actor. In 2008, Matthew McConaughey was feeling pretty good about his life in California. Then an unexpected family health emergency took him back to his home state of Texas. Of all places, McConaughey and his young family ended up renting a home in […]

GameStop. Hedge Funds. Wall Street Bets. Robinhood. What is going on? You can read about the story pretty much anywhere at the moment, so we’ll briefly run through it and then take a look at a few other areas we think are important and unlikely to see as much attention. A group of people on […]