Tag Archives: financial education

One of the most well-known psychological studies ever done is the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment from the 1970’s. You’ve likely heard of it, know a variation of it, or have watched an interpretation of it somewhere in the media. Testing out the will power of small children or dogs can be entertaining. Dogs being tempted with […]

Super Problems

April 30, 2020

For the past few years there has been a battle raging. Certain superannuation funds have not been backward about coming forward about their performance. Their ‘balanced’ options are the headline generators. Take out top spot and it’s plenty of media attention. The fund’s chief investment officer can pose for flattering photos. Even better, they’ll be […]

All That Glitters

April 23, 2020

“Have you seen the price of gold?” “What about gold?” “Is there a reason you don’t invest in gold? These are common but also intermittent questions. An investment that has recently increased in value will receive attention. Its proponents will talk about it. The media will cover it. People want to know more about it. […]

2020 March Quarter Review

April 17, 2020

Economic Overview The spread of COVID-19 had a significant impact on global economies and investment markets in the March quarter. Rarely does any single issue wholly dominate economic and market data for a quarter. Yet COVID-19 arrived and wiped away focus on any other issue.  Apart from the oil war, which itself was relegated to […]

Superannuation funds are experiencing large volumes of investors switching their portfolios to cash. There is a huge temptation to switch your portfolio or superannuation savings to a ‘safer’ option in times of turmoil. With history as our guide, this has always proven to be a poor choice and it creates a decision making chain. These […]