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You can save for a lot of things, but saving your way to prosperous retirement is near impossible. Historically (and this isn’t expected to change any time soon) unless you’re enjoying a truly significant wage and saving a massive amount of it, the conspiring elements of taxation, inflation and less than market returns will ensure […]

Economic Overview The scale of China’s economic slowdown and the policy response to it were among themes that preoccupied global markets in the September quarter. On August 11, China devalued its currency by nearly 2%, a move that fuelled concerned about the success of China’s efforts in rebalancing its economy from investments and exports to domestic […]

Sunk Costs & Unlikely Returns

September 24, 2015

Have you ever made yourself suffer through a bad movie because after paying for the ticket or rental you just had to get your money’s worth? Some people invest the same way. Behavioural economists have a name for the tendency of people and organisations to stick with a losing strategy only because they have put […]

The wold’s biggest interest rate decision in a long time, the US interest rate decision for September, came and went and without much action. If you’re wondering why it was the biggest interest rate decision, it’s because the world’s largest economy (or second largest, depending on who you talk to), and interest rates had been nailed […]

We are currently witnessing increased volatility in financial markets. Market declines spook people and many think the worst. Financial media quickly switches into alert mode by showing special segments and pumping out more reports, while anyone pushing a newsletter proclaiming the end is near jumps in to proclaim “this is the moment!”